Topic > The most effective way to communicate - 929

What is better? Texting? Call? Growing up in the computer age only allowed me to complete tasks more conveniently. The computer age led to the development of the mobile phone. The mobile phone (short for mobile phone) has allowed people to communicate with people on the move in many ways, such as by calling them or, now, a very popular way, by sending them text messages (short for text messaging). Both of these communication methods have their flaws and politeness, but in the long run, both are effective ways to communicate with the other person. Communicating with an individual is a process in which many parts are needed, such as body language, tone and choice of words. Calling someone is more personal and professional. Calling allows the tone of your voice to travel and the person on the receiving end can receive your message more effectively. This is necessary to understand the behavior of what is said. A simple phrase like saying "ok" can come in many different ways. One way it might come across to the person receiving it is “ok” in a happy, excited tone. He may even seem "ok" in depressed and mean behavior. This is a huge advantage that calls have over SMS. When you text someone, the person receiving the message can read it in whatever tone they want or think it is, which could lead to disaster if it's a controversial text. By calling someone on the phone, you eliminate any chance of receiving the wrong message. Calls and SMS also use the same language. I mean, you can speak a different language on the phone and text in another, but you can switch keyboards if necessary. This gives people more options to communicate with another. Long...... middle of paper......decided to wait until it's okay to send a message that might be urgent. All they have to do is speak it into the device. With the development of so many products on the market, texting and driving may not be a big deal in the near future. All these new technologies are a product of the invention of the cell phone. Calling and texting, while very different, are also very similar in how they can communicate with ease and speed, device, and use of language. It is how the points reach the person receiving the message and how one is more appropriate in different situations than another. Growing up in the computer age, cell phones have played an important role in our lives. Cell phones have many uses, but texting and calling people trumps it all. These two ways of communicating allow people to express their point of view in the way they prefer.