We tend to think of abuse as physical violence, such as slapping, pushing, or throwing your partner against walls. Not all abusive relationships are so obvious, especially for men. Emotional abuse is more common in relationships. It could range from constant insults to false accusations to keep you in line. Most men would never admit to suffering psychological harm from verbal abuse, however this needs to change. Men must also do their part in spreading awareness. It is not society's fault if it does not recognize the serious problem of female domestic violence. Throughout history it has been made known that women are usually victims of abuse. Men have been the dominant gender throughout our history as humans. Force gave men the power to dominate women. For thousands of years it has been like this. So it's very understandable why the sudden change in roles can be disconcerting to most. On average, men are bigger and stronger than women. As a result, women are less likely to abuse