English 101-60 has taught me many things and helped me grow and develop my writing skills. It taught me to think more creatively and use clear, concrete details. At the beginning of the semester, our first writing assignment was a narrative journal entry focused on writing about an uninteresting time in your life and making it interesting. This was a challenging task because it was a broad topic that allowed the writers to take it in any direction. I remember thinking that I had no idea what I was going to write. Once I was able to narrow down my ideas, I started writing about the traumatic experience I went through six years ago. That's when I had surgery to remove my gallbladder. My main goal for this journal entry was to specifically delve into the waiting room process. I found myself putting a lot of effort into this assignment. After writing and editing this article myself, I asked a friend of mine and one of my roommates for edits. When I had to go back and revise it for my portfolio, I made several changes that I couldn't think of in the future. the beginning of the semester. I added more details where I missed them in the document. I also made sure not to leave any gaps in the narrative. By writing the review in a perception that the audience would be able to imagine themselves going through, I was able to allow readers to feel sympathetic pain towards my experience. I went back and made sure I didn't have any spelling errors. I also asked my friend to reread the paper so they could catch the mistakes I missed. I made my conclusion more precise and brought it back to the introduction. Overall, I think the narrative ended up even better than... half of the paper... to some extent) and it definitely broadened my view of other people's opinions and definitely improved. I encountered problems that forced me to reevaluate what the author was actually talking about and go from there. I don't think I've improved enough in time management or editing skills, because I still struggle with turning in all my assignments on time and completing them without errors. I would definitely like to improve my ability to accept constructive criticism and use it correctly to improve my essays and articles. I think I also need to make the effort to dedicate my time to an assignment and not wait so long to start it. I hope to further improve my research and writing skills in the near future as well. This course helped me make the transition from high school to college, and that will make things a lot easier next semester.