Topic > The Interplay Between Critical and Creative Thinking

As part of the course requirements for my SL physics course, I was assigned to conduct several experiments relevant to the topics we were learning. In these experiments I used different forms of thinking, including critical and creative thinking, to formulate a hypothesis, analyze the data, and then come to a conclusion about the results and my hypothesis. While knowledge can be formed through the interaction of critical and creative thinking, as in my physics experiments, the statement in the title implies that knowledge is generated solely through the interaction of critical and creative thinking. I intend to demonstrate that knowledge can be generated in other ways, showing that both critical and creative thinking alone can generate knowledge. Before I can attempt to determine whether or not these processes can generate knowledge, I must decide how to determine whether or not knowledge can be generated. the results of these processes constitute knowledge. Unfortunately there is no complete and closed definition of what constitutes knowledge, so I will determine whether the results of a given process are true, since for something to be knowledge it must be true. I will determine whether or not a given result is true by holding it to correspondence, coherence, and pragmatic theories of truth, finding it true, and thus knowing, whether the result is true for all three theories. Critical thinking is the process of using reason and logic in a structured way to examine and analyze knowledge already known by the knower. This process of applying critical thinking to prior knowledge is widely used in numerous areas of study, including mathematics, which is… mid-article… really new. The application of both mental processes, as in my physics experiments, allows for the generation of not only knowledge, but original knowledge instead of knowledge developed from prior knowledge. Ultimately, it was the application of multiple techniques, rather than just one, that led to the most interesting revelations. Works Cited • Bogomolny, Alexander. "Ptolemy's theorem." Interactive math miscellany and puzzles. Np, 13 December 2011. Web. 14 Dec. 2011. .• Center for the History of Physics. "The expanding universe." Cosmic Voyage: A History of Scientific Cosmology. American Institute of Physics, 2011. Web. 14 December 2011. .• Crowell, Ben. "Conservation of mass and energy". Light and matter. Np, 2010. Web. 14 December. 2011. .