Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fortunately, it is difficult for most people to imagine such tiredness and weakness of the body that would keep them confined to bed. There are people today who have lived a very active lifestyle for years and suddenly find themselves burdened by a feeling of physical tiredness that they never imagined was possible. Everything happens so quickly and surprisingly that many are terrified by these ongoing changes. CFS, otherwise known as chronic fatigue syndrome, is this disease characterized by debilitating fatigue. Sometimes, this disease is also called chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS) or chronic Epstein-Barr virus (CEBV). However, no matter what you call it, it remains a nightmare for those who battle it every day. Many aspects of CFS still baffle medical experts. What is it? How is it diagnosed? What causes it and how is it treated? Many of these questions remain unanswered for sufferers in the Ohio area. Some have become tired and frustrated, both because of the disease and the mixed messages they receive about it. The main symptoms of CFIDS include headache, sore throat, fever, weakness, pain in the lymph nodes, muscle and joint pain, memory loss and difficulty concentrating. concentration (Holmes, et al., 1988). In order to receive a diagnosis of CFS, an individual must not have malignancies, endocrine diseases, drug abuse, cardiac, gastrointestinal, renal and hematological diseases and various other disorders (case definition). As a result of this list, CFS is extremely difficult for both doctor and patient to diagnose. The syndrome resembles so many other health factors that each must be eliminated, which can take some time. Most patients with CFS begin… halfway through the paper… Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Working Definitions Vol. 103, No. 3, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, March 1998. “Common Treatments for CFS: Vitamins, Coenzymes, and Minerals.” June 9, 1997. Retrieved: November 25, 1997 "CFS FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions." Version 1. Retrieved: November 25, 1997 "The Case Definition Revised." IO June 1997. Retrieved: November 24, 1997 "A brief explanation of how CFS patients are evaluated by a doctor." June 10, 1997. Retrieved: November 24, 1997 Montgomery, Marsha. Personal interview. December 1, 1997. 705 Yager Road, Canton, OHMyers, Sue. Personal interview. December 3, 1997. 32 Walter Ave. SE, Barberton, OH