Topic > The real-world applications of physical activity

The real-world applications of physical activity The need for a more physical society depends on why it is important and what applications are useful to each person. Our society is not aware of the benefits of being fit and physically aware. There are many factors that play into this knowledge that needs to be shared among the masses. This all falls into the category of real-life applications of that activity. Tax incentives have been started in Canada to try to help stimulate a fitter society, which can also help many other aspects of daily life. “Canadian governments are using several models to provide tax incentives that promote physical activity. The two main categories of tax incentives are income tax measures, which involve individuals claiming credits on their annual tax returns, and sales tax measures, which involve reducing or eliminating the tax due at the point of sale for goods or services (Tigerstrom 1). “ Some of these applications are found in the workplace where the risk of injury is very likely if the right level of strength and skill is not maintained. For example, there are many workplace requirements such as minimum lifting and the ability to stand for long periods of time. Within a government body where there are incentives such as tax benefit, there are more people willing to perpetuate these types of policies as to why we should exercise and or at least be aware of the potential associated with exercise, there are some positive facts about it. Studies have shown that consistent physical exertion can and has shown many positive results” A study, published in 2013 in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research… a half of the article… the amount of physical activity you may be able to do at any given time. Intellectual stimulation is believed to be more effective if you do little or nothing, so the thought of doing physical activity is seen by many as a pure waste of time. However, a Neurology study followed by the Chicago Tribune showed that through physical exercise compared to mental exercise the benefits still weigh on the side of physical fitness (Chicago Tribune). Ultimately, most people will do what they want to do. In fact, those who can and are able to perform physical activity throughout their lives may or may not achieve the results mentioned above. However, research showing the many positive results of physical activity appears to be more than enough to convince many to switch to a more active lifestyle. We are the instruments of our own perception.