You will have to spend money just to make sure you have solid security. It is important for any business owner, no matter how big or small the company, to ensure data security. It should be an area of concern for them. When you think about all the important things you keep in your computer, it's easy that someone could hack your computer, take all your private information, and it could ruin your business. The image below will show you the percentage of why people hack other people. The easiest way to stop someone from hacking into your computer and stealing all your information is to set a password on your computer and it should be a strong password, one where no one can guess what the password is. You can also install a powerful firewall to prevent Internet traffic from entering and leaving your business. Another security measure that a business can take is to install an antivirus program on their computer so that the virus does not ruin the computer and destroy all important data. You also need to make sure your computer is up to date because it is an important step in keeping it protected. Back up all your data on a hard drive regularly, so if something happens to your computer and you lose all your files you can recover them from the hard drive