“Name” says the stern looking man behind a titanium covered desk as he grabs one of the many durable bracelets resting in a very clear box next to him as I do my very few steps towards the desk. “Silversmith Jacks,” I reply in a hesitant voice as the man aggressively grabs the wrist of my right hand and brings it closer to fasten the bracelet very tightly around my not-so-small wrist. It tickled me for a brief second before the stabbing, stabbing pain. ran through my body. It felt like a high voltage electric shock. The pain had left my body numb for a couple of seconds. “Done. Next!” The man shouts as he asks the gray-haired old woman behind me to take her turn to be abused without consent. “Good luck,” I whisper to the gray-haired, high-cheekboned lady as I slowly walk past. to her. “Thank you baby girl,” the woman replies as she takes my right hand making me turn my head in her direction as she places her other hand on my left cheek. “God will save us one day, my daughter,” he says, looking directly into my eyes. I stare at him and I can almost feel the pain in his shiny chocolate brown eyes as they fill with tears. “Ma'am, hurry up, I don't have all day,” shouted the Lifo officer perched behind the desk. I take her frozen hand, which rests in my palm, “thank you ma’am,” I say with sincere thanks for the kindness of her words as I turn to exit the building. Durable bracelets are a new government experiment. They can control when you wake up, who you talk to on the phone, who you are with. According to a law every citizen of Luzbicon has a bracelet. Anyone who does not cooperate with this law is treated as a criminal and is imprisoned. I come out from the center of the… center of the paper… perfectly finger-thin branches, each with emerald summer leaves, almost as if they were holding precious gold. I head towards the golden path. A double route for those arriving and those going, which leads around the buildings of hope and leads out into the city. I take my pack off my aching shoulders and unzip the front compartment to retrieve my gloscitor and toss it into the air to activate it. A gloscitor is a hoverboard made with the most advanced government technology. It uses a person's deoxyribonucleic acid to activate it for use; it can hover five feet tall and can reach a maximum speed of thirty miles per hour. As I get on the board and get ready to leave, I hear a voice shouting "freedom and peace increase freedom and peace", it was Higgot reminding me what exactly he was fighting for the last time I say goodbye to him and leave for the city.