Topic > Julia's case study - 837

1. Problem Statement: Julia, a 17-year-old girl growing up in a stationary living situation in a northeastern suburban town, is experiencing problems. He is in his first year of university and has difficulty relating to others. She has an eating disorder that is affecting her health emotionally and physically. He cannot cope with the stress with his involvement in track and field and cross-country skiing because he has gained 15 pounds more. Her coach asks her to change her diet and be careful about the junk foods she consumes. Julia is seeking treatment right now due to pressure from her college. Julia was instructed to attend therapy. Her principal told her to go to the health and counseling center for an evaluation before she could continue practicing with her team. Her current coping skills aren't working for her. He is avoidant in his relationships with his roommate, friends, and family. He is suffering from insomnia. She denies the extent of her problem. He started lying to his family and finding ways to not come home for the holidays. Julia has low self-esteem. My guess is that she suffers from anorexia nervosa, insecurity issues, and severe anxiety disorder. She has repressed emotions that reflect her anger directed at herself.2. Treatment Focus: Julia has a history of maladaptive patterns of attempting to please her parents and others at the expense of herself. Her internal working model is that she must be perfect and be a very successful person. She tried to be a perfectionist by taking advanced courses in high school. He played sports because his parents wanted him to do something athletic. She didn't join the track program because it was something she wanted to do. He wanted to find a way to... middle of paper... together build trust and express innermost thoughts through individual therapy.6. Obstacles to Change: Julia's personality, which is a perfectionist and constantly wants to please others at the expense of losing herself, would be an obstacle to change. He may want to please the therapist and not reveal what he is really thinking and feeling. His denial of the severity of his health problems and the dangers that lie behind his destructive behavior are life threatening. The way Julia denies the help she so drastically needs could hinder her progress. She desires to be perfect in everything she attempts and has established eating rituals that are difficult to break once habits are formed. His robotic lifestyle without expressing emotion has created a broken sense of self within his internal locus of control.