Topic > Graphic Communication: Interview Answer: Graphic Design

This can include eye contact, frequency of glances, frequency of blinks, gestures, facial expressions, postures and more (The Importance of Communication non-verbal). Chapman said, “If I ask the customer a question that needs a yes or no answer, then I understand it nonverbally. But the customer must know exactly what he wants. I can't guess what they want their product to be like.” This is where nonverbal communication comes in. If the graphic designer asks the client questions that require a yes or no answer, then nonverbal head nods or faces make sense. Keith also said, “If I understand what the customer wants, they will be satisfied with the results of their product.” Chapman also had a lot to say about awareness of nonverbal communication. For example: "You must show strong assertiveness and demonstrate that you understand what the customer is telling you while you are not speaking. Such as eye contact, and shaking your head while they