I was at the time when my life was rapidly falling out of my hands and the truth was not at hand, I felt helpless. I expected to discover an exit plan one way or another, someone or something to influence me into a higher path saving me from the very opening I had delved into. Suicide was the only answer. At least I thought so. If their depression and suicide prevention programs were effective in teaching students safe and positive ways to cope with the daily stressors in our school, I would not have felt that suicide was my only option. For example, in the Surviving the Teens © Suicide Prevention and Depression Awareness program, students are taught to recognize the signs of depression and suicide through a series of educational activities including; real-life stories of teenagers who have experienced depression and attempted suicide, prevention materials, small group discussions, role plays and reading activities. These programs will teach teens how to recognize depression and suicidal behaviors in themselves and peers, and how to help struggling peers get the help they need.