This will be a four-step process that will include theory, demonstration, practice, and coaching. The first step is a theory. The paraeducator must know the basics of what is being taught so that he or she can use the best method to convey the lesson to the student and nothing is lost in translation. The second point is the demonstration. It is essential that the paraeducator understands how things work in real situations and that they can be told or shown this. The third is to let the paraeducator actually practice what she has seen so you can observe her interact with students before letting her go without any supervision. This also ensures that he will feel more comfortable with the students and also shows that he understands how you like to be taught. During this process, you can provide feedback so that it is taught correctly and she completely understands the concept and strategy. The most important part is coaching. The reason this is so important is because it provides feedback while the paraeducator is actually working with the students and this will help them apply the skills they have learned. Once this training has been completed and can be successfully applied, it is important that you and your paraeducator work as a team so that you can successfully evaluate your