1) “Child Sexual Abuse, Traumatic Experiences, and Their Impact on the Developing Brain” Gaskill, Richard L. and Perry, Bruce D. (2012) “Child sexual abuse, traumatic experiences and their impact on brain development” Handbook of child sexual abuse: identification, assessment and treatment. Online. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781118094822.ch2/pdf Annotated bibliography: In this article, the author argues that sexual abuse causes long-term brain development problems. These children acquire “a less flexible state of equilibrium” (Gaskill 37). They therefore become poor in socialization and have emotional and physical health problems. For these children they need to be helped immediately by giving them regular and uniform help regarding socialization with others. 2) “The links between early childhood trauma and serious mental illnesses: psychiatry's response?” Haliburn, Joan. (2004) “The links between early childhood trauma and serious mental illness: psychiatry's response?” Aust NZJ Psychiatry. Online. DOI: 10.1177/0004867414527178 http://anp.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/03/04/0004867414527178.full.pdf+html Annotated bibliography: In this article the author discusses the relationship between mental illnesses and childhood trauma . It gets its information from patients with mental health problems. The article discusses studies by two other authors. I don't find the document to be as useful because it basically discusses two other documents in the document itself. Personally, I find this article will be too helpful. Yes, it explains the relationship between early childhood trauma and mental illness, but it will only talk about mental illness. We will not discuss social or physical problems du......middle of paper......le to create our project. The way we will likely use this article is by using all the different findings provided by this author on the social and emotional outcomes of children who have been sexually abused. 6) "Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse - Subsequent Criminal Consequences" Widom, Cathy. (1995) “Victims of childhood sexual abuse – Subsequent criminal consequences” National Institute of Justice. Online. https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/abuse.pdf Annotated Bibliography: In this article, the author discusses how it is more likely that when a person is abused when young, it can bring out deviance when old, leading to crime. The author also concludes that a person who was sexually abused as a young person was more likely to commit sexual crimes. Their research also found that people who were sexually abused as young people were more likely to be arrested for prostitution.