Aquinas's second proof for the existence of God is a valid argument. Aquinas' argument about the efficient/agential cause is philosophically persuasive because it is easy to apply to things. The second proof is based on the notion of efficient cause. Efficient cause is based on a chain of causes and effects. Aquinas does an adequate job of demonstrating the existence of God through the order of causes caused through the sense world. To begin with, to consider Aquinas's second proof a valid argument, it is necessary to explain the chain of causes and effects that help explain the efficient cause, which is God. There are always things that cause other things. Every effect has a cause, if an effect did not have a cause it could not exist. Everything could not be born from nothing, there must be a first creator who gives birth to the first being. God becomes the first efficient cause that begins the chain of cause and effect in which everything other than God depends on Him. Everything that exists from this chain of cause and effect arises because t...