My Sister's Keeper, written by Jodi Picoult, is about a family fighting to save their daughter from leukemia. At the age of thirteen, Anna, "the savior sister", underwent countless surgeries, transfusions and other procedures to try to save her sister from the cancer she has battled since childhood. Anna is now at an age where she is trying to discover who she really is. She no longer wants to be defined by her older sister, she wants to be herself. Feeling this way, he makes a decision that could destroy his family and have fatal consequences for the sister he loves. Jodi Picoult tackles the controversial topic of preimplantation genetic diagnosis and savior babies in this gripping story of medicine, family and morality. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a procedure used before the embryo is implanted to help prevent defects in the embryo from being passed on to the baby. (Preimplantation). In this book, PGD was used to make Anna's bone marrow compatible with that of her sister Katie. , so Katie can receive the tissues and organs she needs to fight cancer. PGD is a controversial procedure because the embryos are edited and chosen instead of letting nature do it. Scientists create different embryos, those with the right characteristics are used or preserved while the unwanted ones are thrown away. If the theory that life begins at conception is true, then they are throwing away potential lives. A savior sibling is a genetically modified baby conceived to help save a sibling who needs new tissue or organs. To harvest tissues and organs, the donor must endure varying levels of pain and danger in order to have the materials needed to help the recipient. The donors pass through… middle of paper… only to Sara, but somehow they all revolve around Katie. Sara cannot separate them from Katie's physical well-being. Even with Katie, Sara is so focused on her daughter's well-being that she doesn't acknowledge Katie's emotional health. Little did Sara know that her daughter Katie had come to terms with death and was ready to end the suffering they had all gone through. It took them all being tried against each other for the emotions and thoughts to be seen and heard. Sara was so afraid of losing Katie that she focused solely on the medical statistics rather than being there to talk to her daughter and listen to what she was going through. Works cited "Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (embryo screening)". University of Pennsylvania Health System. Penn Medicine, Web. November 15, 2013. Picoult, Jodi. My Sister's Keeper: A Novel. New York: Atria, 2004. Print.