Topic > Is College Worth the Cost Essay - 927

People around the world are asking the golden question: Is college worth all the hassle and cost? High school students discuss college ideas in classrooms across the country and world. If your ultimate goal in life is to be successful, college is the first step to achieving success. Parents question the reasoning behind spending thousands of dollars to further their children's education if "making it" in their career isn't a guarantee for the price. Although expensive, college is a phenomenal investment to make in yourself; leverage in careers makes future financial benefits and academic advantages more profitable. Americans have argued for decades that the idea of ​​college is worth the cost. Skeptics say in Source CThe more education you receive in post-secondary school, the more likely you will be prepared for your career. College graduates have the advantage over other individuals their age based on their college education. For example, if you want to become a scientist but have never taken a college-level chemistry course, you won't be prepared for situations you might encounter in the workforce. Source F states that “graduates place greater emphasis on intellectual growth; those without a college degree place greater importance on career preparation.” People who don't attend college will spend more time preparing than growing; people who have attended college have already spent time preparing for their careers, so they have the ability to focus on personal growth rather than focusing on becoming