This means that offices do not have to stock up on these waters, which in turn saves time and money. If your drinking water is delivered to your home, it will eliminate the need for someone to take the time to go to the store and get your drinking water, which will mostly be in single-serve bottles and can create problems. Reduction of liability. Most bottled water manufacturers offer rental accessories for residential and official uses. So it is not the consumer's responsibility to repair the equipment if it breaks and if they no longer need it they can simply ask the water company to come and take it away instead of finding ways to dispose of it. The company providing the leased equipment is usually also responsible for routine maintenance of the machine, thus reducing an additional expense for your home or office. The perfect choice Bottled water is within your budget and is easily obtainable. If you opt for a dedicated water distribution service, you will be able to get safe and healthy water. How to find it