Getting a college degree is essential to success. The problem is that the higher education the person wants, the higher the cost. These days, not everyone can afford to pay for an education out of pocket, which means students are forced to take out large amounts of student loans to earn that degree. Student debt is an ongoing problem, students are accumulating bloated debts that most, if not ALL, default and jeopardize future credit. How much debt is too much debt? Everyone should have the freedom to want to seek an education for a better lifestyle, and those who have college students seeking a master's degree should also feel free to achieve that higher education without fearing the enormous debt they may have once they do. I consider this a good reason why student debt should be forgiven. Looking at all angles, many individuals wonder why the government should forgive student debt. When our national debt is already sky high, donating money (forgiving) will only add to the bill our country already has, according to Debt to the Penny (2014) our current debt today is $17,858,510,713,719 ,34. Another big concern is the possibility of higher taxes! The government has to find a way to recover the money somehow, right? Why individuals should free themselves from debt