A process dependency is being addicted or addicted to a certain behavior; a process. It's impulsive behavior that turns your life upside down. It is based on behavior because it concerns the involvement of the person (Ferentzy). It has been said that process addiction has no physical limitations, as is the case with a substance abuse problem. Nor is it likely that this pattern of behavior can directly impact the reward pattern and motivational system, as certain substances can (Ferentzy). However, regardless of whether we are talking about a process or a substance addiction, addictions interfere with a person's ability to truly know themselves, their spirituality, and the world around them (David Capuzzi, 2008, p. 35). Process addictions have become rampant in our society (David Capuzzi, 2008, p. 36). It was not until the 1970s and 1980s that the idea that a behavior could be diagnosed as an addictive disorder began to be formally discussed in the addiction field. There are four process dependencies studied to date that could be considered the most important. They include sex, work, compulsive shopping and gambling (David Capuzzi, 2008, pp. 35,36). Research suggests that when a person has a process addiction, it is often accompanied or replaced by another addiction, such as a substance or process. For example, a male recovering from a sexual addiction develops a gambling addiction (David Capuzzi, 2008, pp. 35,36). However, the idea of the client losing control over a significant aspect of their behavior provides evidence of how this problem works (Ferentzy). Gambling has become quite popular around the world, but it is not without its potential problems. According to the DSM-IV-TR, the adult lifetime prevalence rate… half of document… 2010, February 18). Gambling - Compulsive; Compulsive gambling; Addictive gambling. Retrieved from Pathological Gambling: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/publichealth/PMH0002488/Korn, DA (2004). An evidence-based treatment guide for clinicians. Toronto, ON: Massachusetts Department of Public Health Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Gambling - Related Problems.MedicineNet.com. (2011). Gambling addiction. What are the symptoms and signs of gambling addiction?Sinha, K. (2004). Factors contributing to the development of pathological gambling. Rochester: Rochester Institute of Technology.Staff, P. G. (2004). Problem gambling, problems, options. Toronto, ON: Center for Addiction and Mental Health.Victoria, GA (n.d.). Gamblers Anonymous Victoria BC and Nanaimo. Retrieved from Withdrawal Symptoms of Gambling Addiction: www.victoriaga.org/withdrawal.htm