In the documentary "Bully", Kelby, a 16-year-old girl from Oklahoma, was bullied for being gay. Many people are bullied and many for the reason of being gay. The problem arose when Kelby admitted he was gay. Since he lives in a small Christian town, the news spread like wildfire throughout the town and Kelby and his family were prejudiced about it. The bullying was so bad that even the teachers did it. One teacher even excluded her from both the boys' and girls' lists during the roll call of the assistants and later called her name, excluded from the other two genders. The bullying made Kelby wish he could be a change for the town, but it would never work. It also caused her to lose a chance to play basketball and possibly get a scholarship because the girls on her team didn't want to touch her. She was distanced from everyone and was only friends with a few other children at school. Kelby could have gotten so angry at herself for being gay that she started to think she was a mistake and a sin, believing what bullies have. I told her and she'll start to get depressed...