Topic > Essay on Charles De Gaulle Airport - 1937

History provides us with testimony to their partnership; they have always worked together. This leads to allegations of improper supervision during the project in the pipeline. When two companies have worked together for a long period of time, the likelihood of taking risks increases and they become reckless. Their history together has been mostly successful; most of their work on other airports survived, so ADP didn't need to worry about building ADPi. Their selfishness led to the collapse of the structure. Nothing is perfect, not even a project orchestrated by chief architect Andreu. ADPi may have gotten confused during the process and, instead of asking questions, continued its work as usual, despite the risks involved. Two problems may have occurred; supervisors were misinformed about the project and conveyed information incorrectly, or construction workers were misinformed and supervisors failed to notice. In case supervisors were misinformed or confused by the project, they should ask questions. They confidently dictated directions that could be wrong. Their confidence may have erased any confusion they felt before issuing the commands. Contractors should always have a full understanding of the design and process; the chief architect and chief engineers should do it