I was fortunate to be part of an educated family and I was never considered inferior or weaker than my brother and cousins. I received all the same opportunities and services as everyone else in my family. But looking around as a child, I observed the differences in the lifestyles of the poor and the rich, of working and non-working women. I've always understood that most people work just as hard, but don't receive the same rewards. Housewives are nothing but workers, but they are considered employees and occupy a weaker position in society. I grew up with the goal of proving to society that girls are no less than boys and that women deserve an equal position in the nation. By obtaining a higher education and serving the community, I will seek to strengthen the importance of women in the world. Additionally, I would make every effort to provide underrepresented groups with better services and opportunities. I hope to have a chance to volunteer in several similar activities in different regions of the world and make the world a better place for all groups into which human beings are divided